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29 Des 2011


Miris rasanya liat bentrok yang ada di Pelabuhan Sape, Nusa Tenggara Barat, seharusnya kan bisa di bicarakan dengan baik baik tidak perlu pake senjata dan kekerasan, pasti tak ada nyawa melayang dengan sia - sia karena hal yang tak semestinya, dan sekarang pun masyarakat sepertinya tak percaya lagi dengan kopolisian, tak adil memang klo terjadi bentrokan seperti ini, masyarakat sipil yang tak "bersenjata" melawan kepolisian yang di lengkapi dengan senjata lengkap tak seimbang pastinya,  barusan baca2 di kompas.com judulnya "Polri: Pelanggaran Pasti Ada", tak mungkin pak klo gk ada pelanggaran sampai ada korban jiwa, kopolisian kan seharusnya mengayomi masyarakat bukan malah "membunuh" masyarakat dengan perlengkapan yang di beri dari masyarakat......................
pasti ada saatnya dimana keadilan itu akan bergerak maju

Prepare prepare

Prepare buat acara kedepan Marqpat akan meramaikan malam pergantian tahun 2012 di kota tetangga yaitu wonosobo, tepatnya di alure sebelah alun - alun wonosobo, sepertinya ada yang baru yang akan ditampilkan di malam pergantian tahun ini, marqpat sudah siapkan lagu baru yang akan di bawakan untuk malam pergantian tahun, pengen denger lagu barunya marqpat, jangan lupa datang dan saksikan di alure wonosobo, tgl 31 desember 2011, next event marqpat juga akan meramaikan acara "GAPURA REGGAE IS MY LIVE CONSERT" tepatnya di lapangan kridohanggo purwareja klampok banjarnegara pada tanggal 7 januari 2012, disusul event "Unite In Paradise" yang menghadirkan Cozy Republic untuk meramaikan acara tersebut, event yang akan di selenggarakan pada tgl 8 januari 2012 di TRMS Serulingmas Banjarnegara.............Mari Merapat!!!

A Powerful Sub-Culture Called Dancehall

Close observation of hard-core dancehall music will reveal that there is a tendency to embrace, endorse and promote some of the most disgusting and decadent lifestyles. Most try to adopt an hypocritical stance of portraying themselves as being defenders of the oppressed, however they encourage and assist in promoting the characteristics and mannerisms that has over the years, and continues to keep our brothers and sisters in psychological bondage.
With the exception of a few, most dancehall artistes have contributed to the music being seen and interpreted as a quarrelsome style music, which is steeped in confrontations that often times becomes physical.
Inspiration for the writing of a song is usually inspired by ether a domestic ‘kass kass, the idiosyncrasies or idiotic actions of individuals. These persons on most occasions are driven by the everyday pressures of life, or sheer ignorance. However this does not necessarily mean that the song writer is also daft, but most times understands the mentality of the dancehall culture, to the extent that he or she recognizes the impact musically, of relaying such a story in dancehall parlance or style.
The main stage for dancehall confrontations was at “Sting,” billed as the greatest one day dancehall event in the world. “Sting” until recently was the scene for some of the most disgusting clashes and confrontations, between dancehall artistes on one hand, and unruly dancehall supporters who bottled artistes who in their opinion ‘disrespect’ artistes who they support.
The promoters of “Sting” were forced to address the issue four years ago, they made it clear that they would not encourage or endorse any form of confrontational clashes between artistes. These clashes over the years has led to both artistes and patrons getting hurt some seriously.
Recently there have been a number of incidents that have made media houses take an in-depth look at the coverage, exposure and hype that has been attributed to some hard-core dancehall artistes. Recent trends show that there are now entire communities who are caught up in supporting a particular artistes or production house over another, thus dividing the youths and their communities.
It is now at the stage where an individual’s like or dislike of a particular artiste could set one up for physical abuse. A perfect example is the case of Marveley where Top Marveley is alleged to be strongly aligned to Beenie Man and Vibz Kartel Mafia House Productions, While Bounty Killer and Movado’s “Alliance” is supported by Bottom Marveley which has sparked a number of clashes between youths in the community.
To date one man has been shot dead as a result of the ridiculous on-going feud. The Police has confirmed that they are investigating incidents and complaints from residents in regards to frequent exchanges of gunfire in the community. Pressed for more information the Police disclosed that to date no evidence has been found to implicate any dancehall artistes or production house, alleged to be affiliated with the on-going feud in Marveley.
In another incident on the UWI Campus a female Radio DJ had missiles thrown at her while she was playing at a show at the “Student’s Union in early January. Reasons given for the missile throwing was that the DJ was playing too many of Beenie man’s music.
The latest incident was on Sunday February 25th in Helshire where two popular DJ;s Razz and Biggy were roughed up by three men who claimed they are so-called supporters of dancehall artiste Vybz Kartell. The men accused Razz and Biggy of playing too many Mavado selections. When contacted Vybz Kartel said he was disappointed in the actions of his supporters and fans, and there would be no tolerance for such behavior.
Its indeed obvious that the dancehall fraternity is rapidly approaching a new and depressing low. There can only be one solution to this problem ,disc jockeys must play good music, not the hype that has literally forced good reggae music to be stuck on radio stations library shelves.
Radio Jocks and DJ’s must also realize that they play a crucial role in educating their listeners and patrons, through the music they play. To do this they must free themselves from the shackles of obligation, no well thinking radio personality or DJ should allow themselves to be used, bribed or controlled for a fistful of dollars.
Bearing in mind the chaos, lack of vision and the confrontational stance dancehall has taken, our competent ‘disc jockeys’ must take on the roles of our social scientists, who apparently are too scared to ether address the issue, or show their faces at needed forums.
As a result radio stations must ensure that their broadcasters are capable, and competent of addressing, and diffusing the escalating tensions brought about by misdirected artistes, record producers and flat-footed hustlers who pose as disc jockeys and DJ’s.
Its now in the hands of our disc jockeys and the dancehall artistes themselves, to deliver world class music that will not only entertain, but uplift our youths and our nation in the process.

Extract from forthcoming book by T."Boots" Harris. © 2007. 

Understanding Reggae and Rastafari

"Rastafarians will stand on very shaky ground if the current gun running, cocaine selling and lyrically debased D-jays and singers, are allowed to infiltrate the noble ranks of Rastafari. These so-called dreadlocks imposters, could destroy years of hard earned credibility, and international acceptance of Rastafarians as a law abiding,peace loving and a reputable religious fraternity."
So said Ras Benedik a farmer in Portland, who voiced his concern at the number of "natty" -like assassins whose cold, callus and warped psyche negates them into Phycopaths, that can be hired to murder in cold blood, people they know nothing about."
Says Ras Benedik " Rastafarians have been to hell and back in terms of being victimized, denied our basic rights in the turbulent1960s, outright persecution by the Jamaican establishment in the form of 'de-locksing,' (forcibly having Rastas hair or "dreadlocks" cut off) denied employment in reputable establishments and imprisonment on the grounds of sheer contempt and scorn by some magistrates. Rastafarians were the most persecuted people and religion, since the abolition of slavery."
Sister Joy a Rastafarian and accountant from St. Catharine said " It has been exceptionally hard for Rastafarians in gaining the respect of Jamaicans at every imaginable level of the society. Thanks to the works of Bob Marley O.M. and other outstanding Rastafarians at home and abroad, whose determination not be discredited by a group of imposters, whose criminal motives and activities are mistakenly attributed to bonifide, and law abiding Rastafarians."
Ras Ivor a haulage contractor said, "Rastafarians have had to deal with issues in the past, that threatened the validity and the foundation on which the principles of Rastafari as a religion is based. One such occasion was the infamous "Bun Jesus, God and Lord" campaign that was initiated by a number of God "dissing," slogan shouters, who at the time were thought to be from a particular house, or ("Mansion Of Rastafari." as it is described by Rastafarian elders.
This resulted in the distancing of some members from what they perceived to be a hype driven, God dissing, anti -Christ and Rasta imposters". Ras Ivor pointed out that most of the blasphemous statements that angered the Christian fraternity of which Rastafarians are a part of, were made by hardcore dancehall artistes and their flag waving entourage. "These "wanna-bees" says Ras Ivor are simply ignorant of the true precepts of Rastafari, thus they are hell bent on reversing the principles on which Rastafari as a religion was established."
Both elderly and young Rastafarian progressives such as Ras Ben Guthrie, a political science student pointed out that most radical juveniles are in touch with what's happening politically. The protests songs comes screeming at you from within the numerous dancehalls right across Jamaica. He says they are inspired by the music and messages coming from Sizzla, Capleton, Beenie Man, Richie Spice, Jah Cure, Turbulence, I –Wayne and Gyptian. All profess to be Rastafarians with the exception of Elephant Man, who comes across as an energized entertainer, who is equally aware of the real issues, but chooses to dance for the time being.
Sizzla appears to have captured the full attention of most dancehall supporters, a natural thinker who is extremely versatile, thus he is able to control things on ether side of the fence. He has demonstrated on several occasions that he has the vision and the ability, to take both reggae and dancehall, in interesting directions at any given time. His uncompromising anti system and anti -Christ lyrics, have at times placed him in the cold, in relation to more rational thinking Rastafarians. He started out writing songs expressing the gut feeling, concerns and frustrations of the Inner City poor. Over the years he has consistently delivered a number of thought provoking songs, that have had Jamaicans singing at home and abroad. Songs such as " Black Woman and Child," Thank You Mama," and Dry Cry has made young Miguel Collins a household name internationally.
He is seen within his community as both sinner and a saint, the community although divided politically, recognizes Sizzla's leadership capabilities not only as an entertainer, but also as a person who has assisted scores of people, irrespective of their political affiliations.
Once seen as a minister of fire and 'brimstone, " due mainly to his "Bun Jesus, God and Lord" Campaign. A doctrine Sizzla is capable of revisiting musically, at any time for all it's controversial worth.
The question being asked is Sizzla just as relevant a spokesman for the so-called under-classes, as he was five years ago?
Miguel “Sizzla” Collins is undoubtedly an extremely gifted artiste; his ability to surpass the expectations of his peers is simply amazing. His fearless approach to life, and his never ending quest to establish new horizons musically, has made him exceptionally special, even among people who literally see hardcore dancehall as a deadly virus.
Musically there are several sides to Sizzla, the social commentator, Sizzla the lover, making impassioned pleas to his woman to give all her love unconditionally, and the controversial Sizzla whose biting social commentary is usually aimed at the church, regardless of denomination.
Subconsciously he is in constant search of a spiritual revolution, that at times crackles on the perimeters of blasphemy. What can not be explained is his ability to use controversy to his advantage, which places him light years ahead of the competition.
Sister Sherrie an event consultant said, "No artiste can ignore the right of others to their religious beliefs. However, the feeling among extremist that their ill conceived concept of Rastafari is both the beginning and the end, as far as religion is concerned, threatens the tried and proven concept of Rastafari as an internationally accepted religion and way of life.
We as Rastafarians have assimilated into every imaginable culture and race. We have been embraced by some, tolerated by others and looked at with suspicion by some of our own brothers and sisters. We have encountered these negative vibes even in Africa, which we as Jamaicans consider to be the motherland."
Pastor Alex made the point that "most of these young Rastas know nothing of the struggles, hardships and profound sacrifices that has been made by their elders over the years. They are indeed seeking, but going about it the wrong way he says. Some of our more militant artistes must realize that a greater social responsibility is crucial,when considering imparting messages that can divide people, and lead to unnecessary confrontations."
Pastor Alex said, "To declare one's allegiance to a particular figure, and to publicly declare that entity as being supreme over all others, is to denounce the beliefs and concepts of other religious groups. On the other hand, to attempt to indoctrinate and garner support through propaganda, and half truths is unforgivable, and equates to blasphemy."

Extract from forthcoming book by T."Boots" Harris. © 2006. 

Unite in paradise Cozy Republic

Dalam pagelaran bertajuk "Unite in paradise Cozy Replublic", band Cozy Republic yang bergenre reggae ini akan menghibur masyarakat banjarnegara, setelah sebelumnya sudah pernah kedatangan Tony Q, Steven Jam, Boys n Root, Mas Anies, Souljah, dan Sekarang Cozy Republic yang akan menghibur masyarakat banjarnegara, dalam pagelaran ini yang akan di selenggarakan pada tgl 8 januari 2012 di TRMS Serulingmas ini juga akan dimeriah kan juga band band local dari banjarnegara, wonosobo, purbalingga, seperti "Marqpat", "SKSD", "Chaky Rasta", "Alphablopo", "Root Rhythm", "Joung Java", "Rastabara", "Rastamasta","Tinta Rasta","Fiesta Noose", dan "Positive Vibration" dan acara dimulai dari jam 09.00 - 17.00 WIB.............

11 Feb 2011

Kumpul Kumpul

Setalah lama gk ngumpul ngumpul akhirnya ngumpul juga, biz latian dari studio langsung go to alun - alun banjarnegara sambil menikmati dingin malam banjarnegara di temani kopi dan rokok,....hehe mantap, walaupun sebentar tapi yo saat amat bermakna, thnx buat semua yang dah sempat sempatin ngumpul, thnx buat kritik dan saran yang di berikan, thnx lah buat semuanya, tetap semangat.......

9 Feb 2011

Kembali Bersuara

halo halo setalah lama tidak posting posting di blog akhirnya hari ini posting blog juga, bulan ini ada beberapa acara, setelah bulan yang lalu dah kita dari karangkobar yang antusiasnya sangat sangat keren, thnx bgt pokoknya buat para pecinta reggae di karangkobar dan sekitarnya, and next event tgl 13 februari 2011 marqpat akan meluncur ke purbalingga di acara COME TO MY GARDEN #2 yang lokasinya di Kebun Apresiasi Rumah pentas,Grecol Purbalingga, untuk para pecinta reggae purbalingga dan sekitarnya mari kita merapat, kami tunggu kedatangganya........

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